Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Episode 85: Classroom Management: It's OK to Startover
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Tuesday Jan 19, 2016
Teaching is experiential.
We learn by making mistakes. We add new tools to our bag of tricks, by discovering what works. We also learn that what works in this situation may not work in a different scenario. This is why successful teachers understand that you learn more about teaching by teaching.
Today, I am focused on the idea that sometimes it is ok to start over. If you are dreading going to school or to that one class, then you are exhibiting signs of classroom management strugglingitus. Ok, not a real word, but what I am talking about is that you are having trouble with your classes and student behavior. This is why you need to give in and admit that you have a problem. Once you do this, you can give yourself permission to start over.
Here are my five considerations for making that do over happen:
1. Admit you have a problem and choose a weekend.
2. You have to be in control of you.
3. Do you have procedures in place?
4. Take a look at your classroom rules.
5. Let’s go back to you
You can do this!
Don’t wait. Start now.
Length: 31:38
Version: 20241125