Monday Dec 05, 2016
122: BetterLesson.com with Sherry MacBury
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Today I am talking with Dr. Sherry MacBury from www.betterlesson.com.
Sherry is the Director of Partnerships in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Washington, DC for Better Lesson. She was a turnaround principal of two different high schools among other educational positions.
I recently had a chance to hear her speak at a symposium about educational innovations and thought that I would share BetterLesson.com with you.
BetterLesson is a personalized professional development program for teachers.
The teacher talks twice monthly with a live, experienced teacher coach. The sessions last 30-45 minutes and the teacher creates a digital portfolio as a result of their talks. The coaching sessions are held virtually.
When you get a chance take a look at the page of betterlesson.com where you are introduced to the coaches and you will see the vast number of years that each coach has had in the classroom as well as get to know each of them a little bit.
Thanks for listening!
Find out more about BetterLesson.com and connect with Sherry:
Length: 30:16