Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Episode 87: Classroom Management - Rules
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
Tuesday Feb 02, 2016
You are going to need rules.
The kids need parameters.
They need to know what is expected of them.
Here are some thoughts to get you going.
10 Keys to Rules for the Classroom
1. Know the difference between rules and procedures.
2. Rules are needed for creating a good, safe learning environment for all.
3. You cannot discipline kids into changing their behaviors.
4. Keep rules general and short and no more than 5 but try for 3 (Written in a positive manner.)
5. Your number one rule should be about respect.
6. You must explain your rules.
7. Know yourself - Don't ignore behaviors & Don't target one kid.
8. Be consistent - Fair - Just
9. Post so that the rules can be seen and have a copy placed in the students' notebooks.
10. When given the opportunity, practice what you preach. If it is a rule then you need to address the student who chooses not to follow the rule.
Look at these additional resources:
My previous podcasts about classroom management:
2. Consequences
Length: 26:44
Version: 20241125