
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Thursday Feb 27, 2025
Barbara R. Blackburn - Rigor Is Not a Four-Letter Word: Strategies for Success, 4th Ed. This is episode 747 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.
Ranked in the Top 20 Global Gurus in Education, Barbara has dedicated her life to raising the level of rigor and motivation for professional educators and students alike. What differentiates Barbara’s over 30 books are her easily executable concrete examples based on decades of experience as a teacher, professor, and consultant. Barbara’s dedication to education was inspired in her early years by her parents, Bob and Rose. Her father’s doctorate and lifetime career as a professor taught her the importance of professional training. Her mother’s career as school secretary shaped Barbara’s appreciation of the effort all staff play in the education of every child.
Barbara has taught early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school students and has served as an educational consultant for three publishing companies. She holds a master’s degree in school administration and was certified as both a teacher and a school principal in North Carolina. She received her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Teaching from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. In 2006, she received the award for Outstanding Junior Professor at Winthrop University. She left her position at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to write and speak full-time.
In addition to speaking at state, national, and international conferences, she also regularly presents virtual and on-site workshops for teachers and administrators in elementary, middle, and high schools. Her workshops are lively and engaging and filled with practical information. Here are a few of her most popular topics:
Rigorous Schools and Classrooms: Leading the Way
Rigorous Assessments
Rigor and Differentiation in the Classroom
Rigor for Students with Special Needs
Motivation + Engagement + Rigor = Student Success
Research-Based Engaging Instruction Leads to Higher Achievement
High Expectations and Increased Support Lead to Success
Scaffolding for Success: Helping Learners Meet Rigorous Expectations Across the Curriculum
Our focus today is her most recent book - Rigor Is Not a Four-letter Word: Strategies for Success, 4th Edition.
Awesome tools for you to use!
Great discussion as always with Barbara!
So much to learn!
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Length - 45:37

Monday Feb 24, 2025
Monday Feb 24, 2025
Jasmine K. Kullar - Training Teacher Leaders in a PLC at Work: A Guide to Cultivating Shared Leadership. This is episode 746 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.
Jasmine K. Kullar, EdD, is a chief school leadership officer overseeing over 100 schools in a large metropolitan school district in Georgia. She is also a faculty member in the College of Professional Studies Educational Leadership Department at a postsecondary institution outside of Atlanta, where she has been involved with the national University Principal Preparation Initiative (UPPI) in redesigning university educational leadership programs.
Prior to these roles, Dr. Kullar was an assistant superintendent, and a middle school principal. With over fifteen years of school leadership experience, Dr. Kullar has worked at the elementary, middle, and high school levels in both Canada and the United States.
Her journey with professional learning communities (PLCs) began in her first year of teaching, when she attended a PLC workshop and heard Dr. Richard DuFour and Dr. Robert Eaker. Since then, she has been implementing PLC tenets. When she became a school administrator, she led her school to become the first school in the state of Georgia to receive Model PLC at Work® status and garnered statewide attention for professional learning communities.
She is the author of several books …Connecting Through Leadership: The Promise of Precise and Effective Communication in Schools; coauthor of Building Your Building: How to Hire and Keep Great Teachers; and others…
Our focus today is Jasmine’s book - Training Teacher Leaders in a PLC at Work: A Guide to Cultivating Shared Leadership.
Awesome conversation!
So much to learn!
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Length - 37:46

Friday Feb 21, 2025
Friday Feb 21, 2025
Jonathan G. Vander Els specializes in supporting teachers and administrators in schools and districts across the country in developing, sustaining, and enhancing structures to support all learners. As a practitioner, Jonathan is able to blend his experience and expertise to meet educators where they are and assist them in developing practical next steps to ensure high levels of learning for students in their school.
Formerly, Jonathan was principal of Memorial Elementary School in Sanborn Regional School District in New Hampshire. Under his leadership, Memorial School became a nationally recognized model PLC and competency-based learning elementary environment.
Jonathan has an education specialist degree from the University of New Hampshire in educational administration and supervision and is certified as a superintendent, principal, and teacher.
Joshua Ray, EdD, is an educational speaker and author who has led the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) at Work® process at the elementary, secondary, and district level. He is passionate about building healthy school cultures, the work of collaborative teams, systems of support, and educator well-being.
As assistant superintendent, Dr. Ray helped schools collaboratively build district common assessments, unite around common expectations, and improve teaching and learning. He worked alongside principals and instructional coaches to make the PLC at Work process practical and meaningful.
Joshua holds a doctorate in educational leadership from the University of Arkansas. He is a National Board-Certified Teacher and an Arkansas Master Principal graduate.
Our focus today is Jon and Josh’s book - The Foundation for Change: Focusing on the Four Pillars of a PLC at Work.
Powerful talk!
Inspiring! Great information!
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@jvanderels - X @JoshRay711 - X
Length - 58:59

Monday Feb 17, 2025
Monday Feb 17, 2025
Barbara J. Smith - Urgent Care for Educators: Situating Responsibility as a Way to Transform School Cultures. This is episode 744 of Teaching Learning Leading K12, an audio podcast.
Barbara Smith is a passionate educator who challenges the boundaries of "sameness" in schools. Smith's background includes over forty years in public, charter, independent and international schools.
Barbara has started three schools and has been a teacher, principal, consultant, trustee, and teacher educator at OISE, McGill and the University of Saskatchewan teaching faculties and graduate schools.
She has published books about school values and economies, teacher retention, assessment tools for learning, her charter school principal story and most recently with Hope Blecher, a book about engaging students as writers. Her next book is called: Students in Responsible Roles: A Powerful Way to Learn and Transform School Culture.
Barbara supports schools committed to improving engaging and purpose-based teaching and learning for all.
Our focus today is the book - Urgent Care for Educators: Situating Responsibility as a Way to Transform School Cultures.
Awesome discussion!
Excellent ideas from so many educators!
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This would allow you to donate to help the show address the costs associated with producing the podcast from upgrading gear to the fees associated with producing the show. That would be cool. Thanks for thinking about it.
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Urgent Care for Schools - Amazon
Length - 51:31

Friday Feb 14, 2025
NL Holmes - Flowers of Evil: Hani's Daughter Mystery Series Book 1 - 743
Friday Feb 14, 2025
Friday Feb 14, 2025
NL Holmes - Flowers of Evil: Hani's Daughter Mystery Series Book 1. This is episode 743 of Teaching Learning Leading K12.
N.L. Holmes is an award-winning novelist embarking on another significant career phase. Prior to taking up the power of writing and using this pen name, she was an accomplished archaeologist and teacher for 25 years. Early in her career, she served as a nun for two decades. In between, she was an artist and antiques dealer. Yes, she has lived an interesting life and the sum of her experiences informs and inspires her writings today.
Born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas, she attended The University of Texas in the honors program but dropped out midway to enter into the antiques business. Two years later, she entered the Discalced Carmelite convent in Texas. She left the convent 20 years later and returned to school to get her B.A. in Classical Studies.
Holmes, who earned her doctorate in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology from Bryn Mawr College despite an offer to attend Princeton, has excavated in Greece and Israel, and also did archaeological artwork for excavations from Lebanon. She taught ancient history and humanities at Stockton University in New Jersey and the University of South Florida for many years.
Her ten published novels embrace two series of historical fiction: the Lord Hani Mysteries, set in the Egypt of Akhenaten, and the Empire at Twilight series, featuring life in the Hittite Empire in the 13th century BCE. The inspiration for her Bronze Age novels came with an assignment she gave to her students one day: Here are the only documents we have telling us about royal divorce in Ugarit in the 13th century. How much can we say about what happened? She notes: “It quickly became apparent that almost anything we might come up with was as much fiction as historiography!”
Holmes resides with her husband and three cats. She splits her time between Tampa, Florida, and northern France, where she gardens, weaves and plays the violin. She also has an adult son.
A little about Flowers of Evil
When two young women in ancient Egypt open a medical dispensary, they don’t expect their first patient to be a dying florist of Amen whose last words are totally mysterious. It’s Neferet and Bener-ib’s nature to want to appease the ba of the murder victim by finding his killer, and their teenaged apprentice is a born detective. But between the skepticism of their own families and the malice of a rival healer, they find out the simple desire to do the right thing gets them into more trouble than they could have imagined!
Our focus is on her book Flowers of Evil: Hani’s Daughter Mystery Series Book 1 and a peek at Book 2 - Web of Evil, Book 3 - Wheel of Evil and Book 4 - The Melody of Evil.
Exciting stories!
Excellent conversation!
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You could help support this podcast by Buying Me A Coffee. Not really buying me something to drink but clicking on the link on my home page at https://stevenmiletto.com for Buy Me a Coffee or by going to this link Buy Me a Coffee.
This would allow you to donate to help the show address the costs associated with producing the podcast from upgrading gear to the fees associated with producing the show. That would be cool. Thanks for thinking about it.
Hey, I've got another favor...could you share the podcast with one of your friends, colleagues, and family members? Hmmm? What do you think? Thank you!
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Length - 31:23